Mabon Blessings

Wishing you all a blessed Autumn Equinox. May the cooling breezes, the vibrant colors, and soothing scents of Fall sustain you as the Wheel turns and we begin our journey into and through the cold winter months. Brightest of blessings Taranatella Fae, HPS Circle of the Sacred Fae

Lughnasadh Loaves for the Altar

It has become a tradition of our Coven to make a outdoor Lughnasadh altar to the Gods. It usually consist of harvested fresh vegetables, corns, grains, fruits and of course breads.  This year has been no exception. I am back in the kitchen again, up to my old tricks 😉 I love this time of…

Lughnasadh Ritual Bread

This is the beginning of my favorite time of the year. Where the smell of bread and freshly canned fruits and vegetables through out the house. Butter Corn Bread in my from my blog a few days is the first of many recipes to come from now until after Yule. Enjoy.. Blessings, Tarantella Lughnasadh Ritual…

Happy Lughnasadh 2013

 This past full moon in July is known as the Blessing Moon. It is a time to count our blessings in our lives.  On Tuesday, July 22, 2013 I took my youngest grandson Kaden out to see his “Luna”. As I stood there holding him and looking up, I talked about how luna was blessing…