Up potting and Saving my Leggy Tomato Seedlings.

Over the weekend my husband, boys, and I moved our little greenhouses off of the back porch to behind the pool. While I was cleaning it out, I found a pot of black cherry tomato seedlings that I had thrown to the back of the greenhouse thinking they had dampened off. I left them for dead and moved on. Well, low and behold, they were not dead, but were thriving and growing. They are leggy but can be saved. It was only pot of black cherry tomatoes I planted. I was thrilled and shocked to find them. But, I know, nature always finds a way.

The picture on the left above is another set of very large leggy tomatoes that I up potted recently. They’ll get planted out into the food forest on May 1st in celebration of Beltane. The picture on the left, is the baby black cherry tomato I up potted. I have four in total. It will be a while before they’re ready to go out into the food forest. Very thankful we have a long growing season here in North Texas.

Check out my latest video in my series, how to plant/grow tomatoes many ways.

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